PT Ciomas Ariya Samudera (CAS) has been present since 201 3, to provide  competitive logistics services, ranging from handling materials at ports,  transportation , cargo transshipment (ship to ship), warehousing, custom  clearance and handling of material/goods within the factory.

Supported by  transportation fleet facilities, heavy equipment , warehouses, professional  human resources, and the latest management and technology systems, PT CAS  is ready to provide efficient logistics services that are in accordance with  customer needs.




Our Vision & Mission


Menjadi perusahaan logistik terkemuka, terpercaya dan tumbuh secara  berkesinambungan


  • Memberikan pelayanan berdaya saingtinggi untuk memuaskan pelanggan.
  • Secara kontinu mengembangan Sumber Daya  Manusia yang profesional dan beretos kerja tinggi.
  • Mengembangkan dan menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu dan sistem manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, serta Teknologi terkini  dalam bidang pelayanan logistik.
  • Mengembangkan dan memelihara kemitraan bisnis yang saling mendukung, baik dengan pelanggan, karyawan, mitra usaha, dan  pemangku kepentingan lainnya.


To become A leading, trusted, and sustainable growing Logistics company


      • Providing highly competitive services to satisfy customers
      • Continuously developing professional and high work ethic Human Resources.
      • Develop and implement a management system for quality, occupational safety and health, as well as the latest technology in the field of logistics services.
      • Develop and maintain solid and highly competitive business partnerships for mutual progress and growth.

Our Values


Dalam menjalankan aktivitas sehari-hari, semua insan PT CAS berkomitmen  untuk berperilaku sesuai dengan nilai-nilai budaya perusahaan, yaitu:

      • Integrity: Disiplin, berkomitmen,jujur,amanah, dan mulia
      • Competence : mengembangkan keterampilan dan kemampuan kami dengan rajin belajar, dan menerapkannya untuk meningkatkan keunggulan  perusahaan.
      • Advanced : selalu berusaha untuk memajukan dan menumbuhkan perusahaan.
      • NeverEndingImprovement : terus melakukan perbaikan, inovasi
      • Do it right, Fast, Safe and Efficient. Bekerja dengan cepat,aman, dan efisien.
      • Outstanding Performance. Selalu sajikan maksimal, terbaik.


In carrying out daily activities, all insan of PT CAS are committed to behaving in  accordance withthecompany’s cultural values, namely:

      • Integrity : Discipline, committed , honest, trustful and noble
      • Competence : diligently developing our skills and abilities by learning, and applying them to enhance company excellence.
      • Advanced : always striving to advance and grow the company.
      • Never Ending Improvement: continuously makingimprovements, innovation
      • Do it Right, Fast,Safe and Efficient. Work quickly,safely and efficiently.
      • Outstanding Performance. Always serve the maximum , the best.


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In an effort to achieve the Company’s Vision, Mission and Targets, PT. The CAS sets out in the form of the SMMK3 (Sistem Manajemen Mutu, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) policy as follows:

Providing Logistics Services by building and developing a safe and comfortable work environment by committing to:

  • Preventing work accidents, occupational diseases and environmental pollution.
  • Must comply with applicable provisions, regulations, Safety & Healthy (K3) laws and the environment.
  • Continual improvement of the quality and safety and health integration management system.


Cilegon,    Maret 2020

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